

Brigid O'Shaughnessy: I haven't lived a good life. I've been bad, worse than you could know. Sam Spade (Humphrey Bogart): You know, that's good, because if you actually were as innocent as you pretend to be, we'd never get anywhere.


The Maltese Falcon 梟巢喋血戰(1941)

Tom (Tom Waits): The beauty of quitting is, now that I've quit, I can have one, 'cause I've quit.


Coffee and Cigarettes 咖啡與煙(2003)

Shelly (Cate Blachette): It's just... funny, don't yah think, that when you can't afford something, it's like *really expensive* but then when you can afford it, it's like, free? It's kinda backwards, don't yah think? Cate (Cate Blachette): Yeah, well... the world is a bit like that, I guess, in a lot of ways.


Coffee and Cigarettes 咖啡與煙(2003)

Tom Ripley: I always thought it'd be better to be a fake somebody than a real nobody.


The Talented Mr. Ripley 天才雷普利(1999)

Tanner's Father: One hundred years ago, William Gladstone, after a particularly acrimonious debate in Parliament, bellowed across the floor at his arch-rival Benjamin Disraeli, "You, sir," he said, "will one day end your days on the gallows or of venereal disease." Disraeli raised himself up and replied, "That, sir, would depend on whether I embrace your principles or your mistress." Alex Tanner: Grandpa! Tanner's Father: I tell this humorous story because it hasn't been altogether clear to me this past year exactly what my son is embracing. Jack Tanner: Dad!


Tanner '88 選情告急(1988;勞勃‧阿特曼執導的電視迷你影集)