The Darjeeling Limited是指片中同名的長途火車,據稱是根據實際奔馳在大吉嶺喜馬拉雅鐵路上的Toy Train所創造出來的虛構火車。這條被聯合國教科文組織列為世界遺產的鐵路,是歐美觀光客,如同片中的三兄弟,到世界屋脊進行心靈之旅的夢想列車。而看完本片,除了飽覽橙黃的印度風光之外,你也會像三兄弟一樣收起尖銳,嘴角帶笑的繼續踏上下一段旅程。
John D. Hackensacker III: That's one of the tragedies of this life - that the men who are most in need of a beating up are always enormous.
Gerry Jeffers: Don't you know that the greatest men in the world have told lies and let things be misunderstood if it was useful to them? Didn't you ever hear of a campaign promise?
John D. Hackensacker III: You don't marry someone you just met the day before; at least I don't.
Princess Centimillia: But that's the only way, dear. If you get to know too much about them you'd never marry them.