/ 孫得欽 |
最逼真的謊──《神秘旅行》(Secret Journey)
出品:義大利 / 2006
記憶像黑暗中默默延燒的一簇火,如遠似近,恍惚迷離。記憶是焚身烈焰,是水中閃電,是鏡子折射的光,是最逼真的謊。童年的創傷經驗,導致成年後的病症乃至性格缺陷。記憶(包括那些你從未想起的)永遠在某個角落溫暖你或灼傷你,無論你是否看清。唯一的辦法是循著有限的線索去回溯,在腦海重現並再次經歷那創傷場景,然後和那真相一起生存下去──但不可能消滅。救贖人的不是真相,而是與真相共同活下去的能力。 |
/ 張雅倫、林文淇 |
【電影新訊】2008「台片發春」讓你一路看到夏天!! |
由國內電影人自動發起的「台片發春」活動,繼去年成功為台片打響春炮後,今年又將在杜鵑花開的三月開炮。國產台片近幾年喜見越來越多不同的影片類型,產量與票房也逐年回升。今年初,已有台片上映,多部影片也蓄勢待發,是近年來首見的榮景。本屆的「台片發春」聯合「牆之魘」、「人之島」、「流浪神狗人」、「情非得已之生存之道」、「星光傳奇」、「九降風」、「蝴蝶」、「花吃了那女孩」等八部各異其趣的作品,3月16日(日)下午兩點在誠品敦南店,將舉行【台灣電影★星★勢力】聯合發表會。 |
/ 小野洋 |
【電影研究】許鞍華《幽靈人間》與《幽靈人間2》的恐怖片美學和女性議題 |
「鬼魅」與「女性」之間的密切關係,在華語電影中似乎是反覆出現的主題。《幽靈人間2》的女性角色,具有一雙陰陽眼,或許暗喻女性的「巫」性格,洞察人情甚至上達天聽。舒淇在片中絕不讓喜歡她的人進入她的斗室,因為她來自中國大陸,並且居住在花街柳巷,與殘疾人士為鄰。就社會地位來說,她是個處於社會邊緣位置的女性,但同時也具備了或背負了聆聽鬼神的能力。 |
/ 曾芷筠 |
侏儒霧玻璃:《追風箏的孩子》(The Kite Runner) |
Charles Bronson: I admire your notion of fair odds, mister.
Father: Do you want to know what your father thinks about sin?
Father: There is only one sin, and that is theft. Every other sin is a variation of theft. Do you understand that?
Amir: No, Baba jan.
Father: When you kill a man, you steal a life. You steal his wife’s right to her husband, his children’s right to a father. When you tell a lie, you steal someone’s right to a truth. There is no act more wretched than stealing. Do you see?
Amir: Yes, Baba.
Rahim Khan: Is the America infused you with optimism? There is such thing as God’s wit.
Director of Orphanage: Yes, I’m here to protect them, and you, brother? You come here to rescue a boy, take him back to America, and give him a good life. It must seem heroic, huh? But what of the other two hundred children? You’ll never see them again. You’ll never here them howling in the night. I spent my life saving on this orphanage. Everything I owned or inherited I sold to run this godforsaken place. You think I don’t have family in Pakistan or Iran? I could have run like everyone else. If I deny him one child, he takes ten. So, I let him take one, and leave the judging to Allah.
Assef: What do you know about Afghanistan? You weren’t here when the Communist shot our mullahs and pissed in our mosques. This country was like a beautiful mansion littered with garbage. We took out the garbage. We brought law. We brought justice.
Amir: I’ve seen your laws and your justice. And I’m taking the boy home with me.
Hassan: For you, a thousand times over.