/ 陳思慧 |
《天敵》(The Contract)
導演: |
布魯斯比瑞福Bruce Beresford |
讓以《溫馨接送情》(Driving Miss Daisy, 1989)一舉拿奧斯卡金像獎最佳影片等四項的布魯斯比瑞福(Bruce Beresford),來拍一個本事高強的英雄/梟雄角色如何在一件脫韁的秘密計畫中,反制在背後操弄陷害他的高層這種關鍵任務式的故事,他採取了一種較為「溫馨」的角度切入,並不令人意外,追殺和逃亡的驚悚氛圍與智略破解龐大陰謀的角力對抗都退居其次,一路襯托著逐漸由敵對轉為互相瞭解的情誼,以及逐漸癒合的家庭關係。
其實最初我是因摩根費里曼(Morgan Freeman)之名而對這部片起了興趣,我很想看一看《火線追緝令》(Se7en)那位蒼老疲憊但仍選擇繼續肩負著正義重任的警察硬漢,或《關鍵密碼》(Lucky Number Slevin)裡氣勢凌人雄霸一方(雖然最後死得有點慘)的黑社會老大,要怎麼跟約翰庫薩克(John Cusack)來個天旋地轉的大鬥法,既然電影海報中兩人對峙的臉龐顯然充滿了算計與堤防、肅殺與防衛等種種令人不安的氣息,而電影的名字也譯作了「天敵」。
只是,電影結束以後,我發現自己完全期待錯誤了,摩根費里曼飾演的職業殺手法蘭克實在沒什麼威脅性,除了片頭他傲立在空無一人的荒冷墓地.... |
/ 林文淇 |
【電影新訊】台灣蠻野心足生態協會發行紀錄片《企業人格診斷書》(Coporation) |
2003年拍攝而成的紀錄片 《企業人格診斷書》(COPORATION),以生動的電影語言、深入的研究與廣泛訪談,讓觀眾得以在深入體檢「企業文化」被賦予「法人」位階的由來與衍生的問題。影片特別仿造精神醫師看診的方式,仔細體檢企業的人格特質,結論是企業作為一個享有財產權等法律保障的「人」,本質上是不折不扣的「精神變態」。 |
/ 郝建 |
【大師精選】地下電影導演安東尼奧尼(節錄) |
跟現在電影學院很多本科生和研究生一樣,安東尼奧尼進入電影創作行業是從當槍手開始。那是在1940年,他開始給人編劇,一個劇本2000里拉,不能署名。同樣跟今天的一些電影學院畢業生一樣,安東尼奧尼拍攝的影片一直不那麽光鮮、亮麗,不那麽“主旋律”。他拍攝的題材幾乎都是邊緣人、陰暗面,如果在今天的中國,從影之初的安東尼奧尼大概是一個地下電影導演。他自己籌備而沒有完成拍攝的第一部作品是一部16毫米短片,是關於瘋子的。 |
/ 林蕙君 |
《末路狂花》Thelma & Louise |
Thelma: Well, he has never let me go. He never lets me do one goddamn thing that's any fun. All he wants me to do is hang around the house the whole time while he's out doing God only knows what.
Louise: You let her go, you fat fucking asshole, or I'm gonna splatter your ugly face all over this nice car.
Harlan: Now, calm down. We were just havin' a little fun.
Louise: Looks like you've got a real fucked up idea of fun. Now turn around.
(Louise starts to back away, but the gun is still close to his face. His pants are undone in the front. She is still backing away with the gun raised. Thelma is inching away as well.)
Louise: Just for the future, when a woman's crying like that, she's not having any fun!
Thelma: That guy was hurtin' me. And if you hadn't come out when you did, he'd hurt me a lot worse. And probably nothin' woulda happened to him. 'Cause everybody did see me dancin' with him all night. And they woulda made out like I asked for it. And my life woulda been ruined a whole lot worse than it is now. At least now I'm havin' fun. And I'm not sorry the son of a bitch is dead. I'm only sorry that it was you that did it and not me. And if I haven't, I wanna take this time to thank you, Louise. Thank you for savin' my ass. |