/ 水草平 |
是誰給我們勇氣—《我們一定贏》(We Shall Overcome)
導演: |
歐普勒夫 Niels Arden Oplev |
導演尼爾斯亞頓歐普勒夫(Niels Arden Oplev)便是帶著這樣的傷痕長大的,他將八歲時自己的親身經歷,拍成電影《我們一定贏》(We Shall Overcome),讓觀眾跟著小男主角范利茲,一同回想自己的童年,一同尋找勇氣。
范利茲是個小學生,一次在同學的惡作劇中被陷害,遭到以「鐵的紀律」管理學生的校長用暴力撕裂了耳朵。電影毫不隱瞞,赤裸裸地呈現這些暴力帶來的鮮血以及眼淚,在觀眾不捨的驚呼之下,關於體罰的反省,沈沈地在大家心中搥擊著。但我們究竟教導了孩子什麼?為了便於管教,令他們要合群有秩序,甚至不惜壓抑個人的獨特性,那又如何令他們在長大成人後,立即變成一個充滿創意,有獨立思考能力的人?我們所能給予孩子的,究竟是什麼樣的未來? |
/ 鄭美里 |
【精選影評】手工業的造夢場──《刺青》的反身性與敘事策略 |
《刺青》究竟說了怎樣的故事、又是以怎樣的方式說故事,竟能如此「好看」(這是導演周美玲拍電影的堅持),以致讓「滿場的女性觀眾對戲中許多場戲又哭又笑」?它如何能成功地召喚觀眾認同,一如主流商業電影一般,讓觀眾「感受一場美麗、緊張、震撼、感動的歷程」(導演周美玲語),另一方面卻又以反身的後設性手法處處暴露電影的建構性本質,有別於濫情的愛情故事,滿足觀眾對形式和知性的期待? |
/ 陳德政 |
【電影•音樂】《美國與約翰藍儂》(The U.S. vs. John Lennon )-再給和平一次機會 |
電影由1971年一場聲援John Sinclair的演唱會拉開序幕。John Sinclair是底特律龐克樂隊MC5的經紀人,同時也是一名激進的政治運動者,提倡大麻除罪化,因遞給臥底警探兩根大麻煙而被判十年牢獄。這場經由全國電視轉播的演唱會便是因他而起,約翰藍儂與小野洋子應主辦人Jerry Rubin之邀與會高歌。聯邦當局抵不住輿論壓力,幾日之後便宣佈John Sinclair出獄獲釋,可是也頭一遭感受到約翰藍儂帶給美國社會(尤其是青年人)的影響力竟是如此深遠.... |
/ 許展維 |
《終極警探》Die Hard |
[Hans' radio turns on]
Hans Gruber: I thought I told all of you, I want radio silence until further...
John McClane: Ooooh, I'm very sorry, Hans. I didn't get that message. Maybe you should've put it on the bulletin board. I figured since I've waxed Tony and Marco and his friend here, I figured you and Karl and Franco might be a little lonely, so I decided to give you a call.
Hans Gruber: Eh, that's... very kind of you. I assumed you are our mystery party crasher. You are most troublesome, for a security guard.
John McClane: Eeeh! Sorry, Hans, wrong guess. Would you like to go for Double Jeopardy where the scores can really change?
[Indicating cigarettes in dead man's pocket]
John McClane: Mm, these are very bad for you.
Hans Gruber: Who are you, then?
John McClane: Just a fly in the ointment, Hans. The monkey in the wrench, the pain in the ass.
Hans Gruber: Mr. Mystery Guest? Are you still there?
John McClane: Yeah, I'm still here unless you wanna open the front door for me.
Hans Gruber: No, I'm afraid not. But you have me at a loss. You know my name but who are you? Just another American who saw too many movies as a child? Another orphan of a bankrupt culture who thinks he's John Wayne? Rambo? Marshal Dillon?
John McClane: Was always kinda partial to Roy Rogers actually. I really dig those sequined shirts.
Hans Gruber: Do you really think you have a chance against us, Mr. Cowboy?
John McClane: Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker. |